We're real people, based in the US, just outside New Orleans. And beyond that, we're absolute homebodies. We love the way life feels at home, so we work hard to bring that feeling with us everywhere.

Our fellow Recluses get this. So many of us are thinkers, tinkerers, artists, creators, readers, writers, rockers, bakers, gamers and goofballs (wow that a lot of things) in various proportions. We fill up our time in ways that are exciting and interesting to us, which preferably involves being in the absolute comfort of our own homes.

This mindset is what created Recluse Rags. We wanted to cater to our fellow homebodies, all the beautiful individuals out there who enjoy spending their evenings and weekends doing cool stuff while also feeling as casual and confident as reasonably possible. To that end, we carry the Jaunty Man with us, for courage, because unfortunately we can't always be at home.

child fully and thoroughly wrapped up in fluffy blanket and sitting on a couch

Our Brand

We're a low-key, casual lifestyle brand for homebodies, introverts, and creators, focused on offering high-quality comfort for your casual days. The Jaunty Man is our signature, and sums up so much of the energy we love and hope to convey in every design we make. We tend to favor simple yet colorful designs, but we also really enjoy the creative process and sometimes can't help but let our weirdness shine. Never can be too certain what may show up, but we hope you enjoy it.

Our Products

While we work hard to create designs that we're very proud of, we are still very much a small, indie clothing brand. For this reason, all of our products are currently made-to-order. We don't mind though, because this allows us to offer a wide variety of product options, without risking over-producing anything. The options are great for you, and the reduced waste is great for the planet! Who doesn't love a win-win scenario?

Of course, this process can sometimes take a few days longer to get your items delivered than many people have become accustomed to, but we hope you'll find the benefits and quality to be worth the wait!

pond with trees lining edge and ducks in foreground near grasses

Our Future

Shoot, you're still reading?

Listen, we didn't expect you to scroll this far. We're a pretty miniscule operation over here, and talking about ourselves is not our strong suit.

But, since you came all this way, just know that we're constantly striving to evolve our product line and enhance our designs, while also maintaining an extreme focus on quality materials and top-tier customer service. And we do it our way, because the Jaunty Man wouldn't do it any other way.

Stay 'luse or get Rec'd.